Monday, February 1, 2010

Names Of Extraction Forceps Names Of Dental Extraction Forceps...?

Names of Dental Extraction Forceps...? - names of extraction forceps

I was a dental assistant for 9 months. I know the basics. But I want more. I know that the terminal base used for extractions. For example,
151 - molars
88R-right molar
88L-left upper molars
23 - molar-aka Cow Horn

But others want tweezers are certainly many people who do not know what they are. So, if someone could help me. or look up a website where you can look things up, or maybe a book.
Something .... Whatever lol.

Thank you ♥

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I was a dental assistant for over 7 years. There is a book, I believe, be useful. ...

    You can use the catalog of offers (Schein, Patterson, etc.) of the Office and if the doctor has free time, you must specify what each is used.

    Take care!
