Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Attention Deficit Disorder More Condition_symptoms Can Mercury In Shots Cause Attention Deficit Disorder?

Can mercury in shots cause Attention Deficit Disorder? - attention deficit disorder more condition_symptoms

I think I might have a disorder of attention-deficit. I read a lot about how mercury in vaccines cause autism, vaccination. The last shot I had was the number of vaccines against hepatitis in 2001, the vaccine against influenza in 2001, and vaccines against flu in 2005 and 2006. Since 2001, I had the symptoms of ADD, such as difficulty concentrating, so that careless mistakes at work, work procedures, and have problems with forgetfulness. I am 32 years old.


  1. http://www.nvic.org/state-site/state-exe ...
    http://www.mercola.com/article/vaccines/ ...
    http://www.vaccines.bizland.com/links.ht ...
    http://www.laleva.org/eng/2006/03/dont_v ...
    http://operator11.com/shows/4166/episode ...
    http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkboo ...

  2. Yes, and again when they are vaccinated, there are Thymerosal mercury-containing preservative in vaccines. There is a Yahoo group by a man named Andy Cutler, who has poisoned himself with mercury dental fillings and controlled heal with chelation therapy. Here's the link: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Aut ...
